Friday, July 30, 2010

How to make your own bias tape

So, you all probably know how to do this.  I pretty much did, too, but I like her tips.  Like marking your fabric, sewing it together, and THEN cutting it.  So much faster!  And the bias ruler..I want one.  I have the little metal tip for folding...but haven't used it yet.  I think custom bias tape is so much cuter than the boring solids, although they're convenient.  I have a project I'm working on (the first one of the summer, gasp!) that requires bias tape.  I'll post about that when I'm done.  And here is a video tutorial for a "No swearing bias tape method".  I hope this works, because I never seem to sew it right.  I haven't actually started cutting or sewing yet because I just got the fabric today.  And, I'm taking a page from Ariana's book and doing some dyeing to match the cute fabric I found.  Wish me luck! Found on Prudent Baby and video found on Angry Chicken.

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